- Lexicon : geologie, geografie, mine, petrol
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Ioachim, Grigore Author: Mihăilescu, Nicolae Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Mihăiescu, Nicolae Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Peahă, Mircea Statement of Responsibility: Coordonator : con. ing. Nicolae Mihăilescu. Autori : prof. dr. ing. Grigore Ioachim ; conf. ing. Nicolae Mihăiescu ; lector univ. Mircea Peahă Published: Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 1975 Description: Vol. Language: Romanian Contain: Lexicon. Vol. 1 Classification: 81'374.2:55+91+622+665.6=135.1 Shelf number: II 64372
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