Biblioteca Judeţeană "Dinicu Golescu" Argeş

  • U.S. Highway 89 thru Granite Dells near Prescot, Arizona/Scene from U.S. Highway 89 between North Rim and South Rim
  • Record Type: Twodimensional graphics: monographic
    Author: Frasher
    Statement of Responsibility: Frasher' s Fotos
    Published: S.n.
    Place of Publication: S.l.
    Year of Publication: S.a.
    Description: carte poștală
    Notes: U.S. Highway 89 thru Granite Dells near Prescot, Arizona/Scene from U.S. Highway 89 between North Rim and South Rim
    Language: English
    Subject: Highway 89
    Subject: Arizona
    Classification: 91
    Shelf number: 91/F88
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