Biblioteca Judeţeană "Dinicu Golescu" Argeş

  • Clavecinul bine temperat = A well tempered harpsichard = Le clavecin bien tempéré
  • Record Type: Twodimensional graphics: monographic
    Author: Spirescu, Grigore
    Translator: Ionescu, Anca Irina (1946-.... )
    Paralel Title: A well tempered harpsichard
    Published: Uniunea Artiştilor plastici
    Place of Publication: Bucureşti
    Year of Publication: 1994
    Description: 75 p
    Language: Romanian
    [NT 82971]Titlu paralel: A well tempered harpsichard
    [NT 82971]Titlu paralel: Le clavecin bien tempéré
    Classification: 75(498) Spirescu, Grigore (084)
    Classification: 929 Spirescu, Grigore (084)
    Shelf number: IV 3673
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