- Capitalul lui Marx se întoarce ca eveniment cuantic și ucide pisica lui Schrödinger = Marx`s capital is back as a quantum event and kills Schrödinger`s cat
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Teulea, Cornel Translator: Tomoiagă, Ligia Statement of Responsibility: Cornel Teulea ; Traducere de Ligia Tomoiagă Paralel Title: Marx`s capital is back as a quantum event and kills Schrödinger`s cat Published: Eikon Place of Publication: București Year of Publication: 2016 ISBN: 978-606-711-423-2 Edition: Ediție bilingvă româno- engleză Description: 401 p. Language: Romanian Classification: 821.135.1-2 Shelf number: II 82299
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