Biblioteca Judeţeană "Dinicu Golescu" Argeş

  • Călătorie în întreaga insulă a Marii Britanii
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Defoe, Daniel (1660-1731 )
    Translator: Anghelescu-Irimia, Mihaela
    Statement of Responsibility: Daniel Defoe ; Trad., postf. şi note Mihaela Angelescu Irimia
    Published: Editis
    Place of Publication: Bucuresti
    Year of Publication: 1992
    ISBN: 973-41-0296-6
    Description: 208 p.
    Language: Romanian
    Classification: 821.111-31=135.1
    Shelf number: II 63031
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