- Epigrame. Vol. 5 : Epigrame despre epigramişti şi epigrame
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Published: Evrika Place of Publication: Brăila Year of Publication: 1995 ISBN: 973-95469-0-0 Description: 272 p. Notes: Cu dedicaţia autografă a autorului. Language: Romanian Contained By: Epigrame / Petre Chiva-Coadă . - Brăila : Evrika!, 1993- . - Vol. Subject: Edituri brăilene Subject: Epigramişti brăileni Subject: EPIGRAME (LITERATURA ROMÂNĂ) Classification: 099.3 Chiva-Coadă, Petre Classification: 821.135.1-193.2 Shelf number: II 63030
- 1 records • Pages 1 •
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Epigrame / Petre Chiva-Coadă .- Brăila : Evrika!, 1993-
/ Chiva-Coadă, Petre
/ Evrika!
/ 1993-
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