Biblioteca Judeţeană "Dinicu Golescu" Argeş

Pop, Ion (1941 -.... )

Personal Name: Pop, Ion (1941 -.... )
Nationality: RO
Language: rum
Agency: MD
Works: 1 works in 58 publications in 1 languages
Cîntec şi joc : Jocuri muzicale pentru şcolari by: Pop, Ion (1941 -.... ); Popescu, Nicolae (Music scores, printed)
Biata mea cuminţenie by: Pop, Ion (1941 -.... ) (Language materials, printed)
Bucureşti by: Morand, Paul (Language materials, printed) Translator [730]
Calul de febră (1980) ; poeme by: Dohi, Alexandru (1955-....) (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
A scrie şi a fi : Ilarie Voronca şi metamorfozele poeziei by: Pop, Ion (1941 -.... ) (Language materials, printed)
Avangarda în literatura română by: Pop, Ion (1941 -.... ) (Language materials, printed)
Dicţionar analitic de opere literare româneşti by: (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Act de prezenţă : Culegere de articole by: Voronca, Ilarie (1903 - 1946) (Language materials, printed) Editor [340]
Avangardismul poetic românesc by: Pop, Ion (1941 -.... ) (Language materials, printed) Author [070]
A doua lumină : Proze by: Voronca, Ilarie (1903 - 1946) (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
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