Biblioteca Judeţeană "Dinicu Golescu" Argeş

Limba engleză

Topical Subject: Limba engleză
Works: 250 works in 317 publications in 5 languages
Accuracy and Fluency : English Grammar Exercises for Intermediate and Advanced Students by: Cornilescu, Alexandra; Clezan-Dumitru, Ioan (Language materials, printed)
A practical guide to english grammar : Exerciţii de gramatică by: Ilovici, Edith; Ciofu, Maria; Chiţoran, Mariana (Language materials, printed)
Bacalaureat 2010 : Limba engleză : evaluarea competenţelor lingvistice : Ready for BAC by: Leca, Ileana; Fâciu, Alexandru (Language materials, printed)
A Dictionary of English Grammar by: Vereş, Grigore; Cehan, Anca; Andriescu, Iuliana (Language materials, printed)
Classroom tests : IX-XII by: Ţepelea, Adriana (Language materials, printed)
L' anglais sans peine by: Chérel, A. (Language materials, printed)
333 de întrebări şi răspunsuri din gramatica engleză by: Leviţchi, Leon (1918-1991) (Language materials, printed)
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